


总碱值是对润滑油碱浓度的测量。发动机润滑油是由碱性添加剂配制的,用来对抗润滑油分解时聚集的酸性物质。润滑油总碱值水平测量是为了其能得到更好的应用。汽油机润滑油配制时,通常初始总碱值大约在5-10 mg KOH/g,而柴油机润滑油的工作条件比较苛刻,因此初始总碱值较高(15-30 mg KOH/g)。特殊的应用,如船用发动机,可能需要大于30 mg KOH/g。随着润滑油的使用,碱性添加剂逐渐被耗尽。一旦碱性添加剂的消耗超过一定限度,润滑油就不再发挥作用,而发动机也就存在产生腐蚀、油泥和清漆的危险。此时,就需要添加或更换润滑油。

检测TAN 和 TBN的方法


红外光谱利用辐射源、探测器和计算机来研究物质和光的相互作用。通过红外光谱的变化可以检测润滑油老化和氧化所引起的酸的积聚。氧化和硝化物在红外光谱图中的峰值介于1600-1800cm-1之间 。由于润滑油老化产生的是酸性混合混合物,所以在光谱图中不存在与总酸值相关的单一峰值。

随着与发动机机油碱性添加剂相关的吸收峰的降低和老化峰的变化,总碱值的变化也可以通过添加剂吸收峰的减小检测出来。最常用的碱性添加剂包括钙、镁硫酸盐、酚盐和水杨酸。润滑剂的特定碱性添加剂中可能含有任何这些物质的混合物,它们在红外光谱图中均有峰值,它们的峰值介于1000-1900 cm-1。



The most widely accepted techniques for measuring TAN or TBN are the potentiometric titration methods. Potentiometric titration is very accurate and can measure many different sample types without regard to color or the presence of contaminants. It does involve solvents and careful technique and is best performed by a well-trained chemist. The cost of equipment can be reasonable, but the most user-friendly and easy to maintain systems tend to be fairly expensive. The need to purchase solvents and to dispose of waste can also make it more costly compared to other methods.


对TAN的测量,普遍应用的检测方法是ASTM D664,主要步骤包括将油样溶解在甲苯和加入少量水的异丙醇中,形成甲苯异丙醇溶液,以含酒精的氢氧化钾作为滴定剂对溶液进行电位滴定。在溶液中放置一个玻璃电极和参比电极,并连接到电压表/电位计。当明确的拐点出现或者电压表的读数对应一个缓冲溶液时,滴定终点就会达到。


不管是新的还是在用的润滑油,ASTM D2896总碱值测量方法都是适用的。将油样溶解在苯和冰醋酸溶液中,然后用冰醋酸中的高氯酸进行滴定。滴定终点通过电位滴定法来确定,用于滴定的电极由溶液内的玻璃指示电极和通过盐桥与油样连接的参考电极组成。

ASTM D4739是润滑油总碱值测量的另一种方法。D4739的滴定剂是一种比D2896的滴定剂更温和的酸,盐酸。如果油样中存在盐酸不能中和的弱碱,则TBN值就会较低。碱性添加剂是一种相对较强的碱,所以在检查润滑油剩余寿命时,弱碱的存在并不重要。


Colorimetric titration methods can be used as long as the oil is not dark. For these methods, the endpoint is detected by a visible color change through the use of an indicator which reacts to a change in pH. For TBN measurement, it can be challenging due to the dark nature of crankcase oils, especially when soot may be present.

In ASTM D974, a sample is dissolved in toluene, p-naptholbenzene, and isopropyl alcohol containing water. Then the solution is treated with KOH or HCl until a color change occurs to indicate the endpoint. The amount of KOH or HCl added to reach the endpoint determines the TAN or TBN. ASTM D3339 is a similar method to ASTM D974, except that it is designed for a smaller sample size (2 g vs 20 g).


Test kits are available as a convenient first line test for TAN or TBN. The kits contain premeasured reagents and the result is measured as a color change by eye. In some cases the kits contain a predesignated amount of KOH or HCl titrant so that they provide a qualitative pass or fail response. In other kits, titrant syringes will come marked with graduated increments already converted to TBN or TAN units. The user starts with a known volume of sample in a test tube, and then adds aliquots of KOH/ HCl reagent and observe for color change. When the solution changes color, they check the number on the syringe next to the plunger and that is their TBN or TAN.



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